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Let me be honest with you: I can’t stand this song.

I downloaded it without listening first (a mistake), and I cannot fathom why anyone likes it. Out of all the Goth-type songs that I have ever heard referenced, this is number one…but all it is is long and kind of annoying.

I think this is the song responsible for keeping me from delving further into the older music from this genre…because I just don’t get it, I guess. *shrugs* …I’ve gotten too fond of music with twinkles.

But since it is a very well-known song from the Goth-type genres, and since it is about an actor who is famous for his theatre and film portrayals of Dracula in the 20s and 30s, I have it in my countdown. Because if you’ve heard of it, you may as well give it a listen. Maybe you can explain to me what merits it has that I may have overlooked, eh?

In other news: happy cat is very happy because he’s finally allowed out of his crate and doesn’t have to wear his cone anymore. Yay, happy cat! ^_^

Also, I clocked out with, like…51.5 hours for the week, so yay getting paid.

Tomorrow is my day off, so I need to sleep…because then Saturday I have a 16 hour shift again…and that’ll be a good time closing, I think, because my closing supervisor will be there all day, too. I was hoping at least one of us wouldn’t be stupid tired, but nah…

Anyway. Off to harvest some Zs.