a little stupid little record


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It’s harder than I thought it would be to make time for this. I don’t have to, obviously, bit I’d like to.

It bothers me a little, that I have no records of what I have thought these last few years. I have records of other things, sure. Pictures and bills and outraged facebook posts…but I didn’t keep up with what I was thinking about things, and I feel like I didn’t properly process the things that happened to me and to the world because I didn’t write them out.

If I’d kept a journal it would be different, but I didn’t even do that.

So I will have to try harder to not miss next week. Because it’s important for me. Not for content or clicks, but for a self-record. And since I’m doing it this way instead of in a private journal, maybe it will resonate with someone else out there and they will tell me what it was like for them. That’s the important thing…the knowing that other people are like you and experienced what you experienced. The knowing that it’s not just you.

I’ll be back again.

first things first


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So, talking about myself via going through my day.

What do you do first but wake up? And these days that’s somewhere between 420 and 500 in the morning.

Part of me hates it, obvs. Mostly because if I am left to sleep and wake when my internal clock says it’s time, I’d still be getting up in the early afternoon and going to sleep in the wee hours of the morning like I did for many years when I was working at the movie theatre.

But I’m not doing that anymore. It’s wild to think about sometimes though, how I spent hours and hours there every week and now since 2020 I have only been to the movie theatre twice, and both of those times within this past year.

I’m glad though. Not getting screamed at by guests anymore about stupid stuff…I make more money…no weekend work…etc.

I’m also SO GLAD that I left there before the pandemic because from the people I knew who were still there, it was a shitshow when they reopened. They demoted a ton of management and wanted them to come back as regular crew…I guarantee I would have been in that group of people if I’d still been there. One of the theatres in the chain closed because the owners of the building were concerned about the company and didn’t want to renew the lease in case it went bankrupt, too, so the staff from that building had to get shuffled around to the other locations, and that left even fewer positions open…it was a lot.

So yeah, now I wake up at the crack of still dark for work. In a hospital. I forget if I ever mentioned when I left the movie theatre, what my new job was. It’s in supply chain, so LOL, I’m sure you can already see where some of my posts will go. Supply chain is also a shitshow, of course, and that’s even 4 years out from when this started.

For a while, I was even going in at 5am. So waling up at 3 to get there and do two hours of overtime almost daily for the better part of 2020. I really abused my ability to not sleep that year…so much so that it’s gotten worse and it’s hard for me to stay asleep these days.

Not that I’m suggesting I have some supernatural ability to stay awake…no, it’s more like…I was always bad at the transition between sleep and wakefulness, taking a long time to fall asleep and then really struggling to wake up. But now it seems like my body wants me to wake up multiple times a night because it’s not sure if I should be asleep or for how long anymore. It sucks.

I’ve been taking melatonin for a few years now, in various doses. I took benedryl every night for about a year now too. I’m trying to get out of that habit, but the two together really helped with the transition into being asleep.

I’m still not great at the waking up though. I don’t know if I ever will be. Hence the extra early mornings.

If I was the kind of person who could roll out of bed, get dressed and leave, I could probably get up right before 6 and make it to work with time to spare…buuuuuut I am not that person. I need time to heat up, or something before I can get moving. Like a lizard.

So I have my absurdly early alarm, and it gives me extra time to hit snooze once or thrice, and then to spend the better part of an hour scrolling through the internet to wake up. And let me tell you, during the worst parts of the 2020-2022 timeframe, I felt like I needed that extra time just to even try and wrap my head around the nonsense that was going on. Waiting until lunch time go get into the day’s news cycle was too long. Gotta get that doomscrolling in early!

But yeah. It’s a habit that’s kind of helped me at least get out of bed in time to get showered and dressed with enough time to move at my turtle pace.

For my next post, we’ll talk about even more exciting things like how to get out from under the covers! (Literally impossible!)

Cheers, comrades.

how do you do this again?


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I’ve been thinking about the best way to get back into this.

I’m never going to be a “content creator” type blogger, but how do I get back into the habit of writing about myself when I haven’t done it for, like, six years?

The best way to go about it seems to be taking a trip through my day. Which sounds stupid, but there’s this book called “The Mezzanine”, which is basically that exact idea…going through the narrator’s mundane activities in a regular day, and for each small action or interaction, he gets sidetracked and tells a little separate story about something it reminds him of.

I really enjoyed that book. It totally sounds like how I always used to write anyway. SO I’M GONNA DO IT.

Although tbh I also need to be more strategic about when I can write as well. I definitely can’t do it every day and also not in the middle of the night anymore. (Today being the exception because Jester is snoring so damn loudly and I can’t fall asleep.) But on Saturdays maybe. Sundays are out because of DnD.

Stay tuned, comrades.

aww, snap!

Hey, guess what?

I am still alive!

It’s not, like…shocking, BUT given everything that’s happened since 2017 (!), when I made my last post, it’s def a possibility that I might NOT be. You know?

So yes:

Alive? Check.

Still Wolf? Mmm…in my DnD group.

Still not a Nazi despite that becoming an Actual Thing for an embarrassing number of people? A thousand checks.

Also fun? Learning Ukranian.

«Скоро ми будемо говорити українською добре!»

Duolingo is really trying to hype me up, but I am not that good. Baby steps though. I’ve only been really working on it for about a year.

Cheers for now. (And, you know, maybe I’ll be back before another 7 years pass.)

The Orchards (Rome)


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It wouldn’t be a proper countdown if I didn’t miss days and get behind for one reason or another…

#23 is The Orchards, by Rome.

I think this is another song that I just like because it makes me feel calm, although it’s exactly that calm tone of the song that makes it difficult for me to decide how I should think of it.

It seems lost, for the most part, with phrases like “let us float in a stupor of blood”, and then “we are left to wander” or “into the orchards, we slide”, all of which seem directionless…but the refrain (in German) is that “movement is created by attitude”. So I guess if you can’t bring yourself to care, then of course that’s how you find yourself wandering or sliding or floating in a stupor…..

Indifferent. That is the word I was trying to think of–I feel like indifference is the primary tone here, but not cruel indifference…maybe more like exhausted or worn out indifference…the indifference where you are alright with whatever happens because it takes the weight off of you. Maybe acquiescent is an even better word.

Although somehow this song makes it feel like maybe the feeling of indifference or acquiescence is alright. (It probably isn’t.)

To Each His Ground (Rome)


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#24 is To Each His Ground, by Rome.

A lot of Rome songs draw up images in my mind…this one usually makes me think of driving in the late summer or early fall, when things haven’t really started changing a lot yet, but the shadows get longer earlier, and the evenings aren’t quite as warm…

I haven’t really made up my mind as to what this one means to me yet. But I do like it. Another one of the songs I feel calm about. Not as bleak as Kriegsgötter. Not that it isn’t still bleak though. The lines that seem to carry the most weight for me are

Don’t kid yourself
We’d rather be mad than delighted
You’d rather be entertained
Than enlightened

Seems pretty apt for the way things are these days. Everything is a storm of people being mad over all kinds of things, and nobody wants to agree–just be mad. Be right. And nobody wants to think hard about whether they actually are right…they just want to be catered to and validated at the expense of those they disagree with. It’s sickening. And it makes me feel like maybe none of it matters at all. Who cares. Who can be troubled to care when no matter what you agree with, everyone is being awful to the people they disagree with.

Maybe we should just leave each other alone.

Exterminate Annihilate Destroy (Rotersand)


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#25 is Exterminate Annihilate Destroy, by Rotersand.

It was the Daleks that caught my attention in this one, and then it turned out to be the sort of thing that Wolf me is drawn to anyway. Not sure how sci-fi villain industrial music became a thing, but this appeared in one of my Pandora stations, along with another industrial song that was entirely lines from Darth Sidious and Darth Vader. That one almost made the countdown, but got bumped out by Patenbrigade: Wolff.

So yeah. Angry Daleks. And a theme of recruiting people to destroy your enemies? If I think about it, they’re not exactly compatible, because the Dalek worldview is one of superiority to all other species. So they don’t do much recruiting. Just exterminating.

Maybe the speaker is being recruited against the Daleks? I don’t know. I’m probably thinking too much about it.

I am not so much a fan of the end portion of this song–it doesn’t feel like it fits in with the rest as a whole–but obviously that didn’t turn my off enough to drop it from my countdown.

Gods and Monsters (from American Horror Story)


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#26 is Gods and Monsters, from American Horror Story, season 4.

I didn’t do as much reading or as much music browsing this past year in part because working first shift (wake up at 4am, get home MAYBE at 5pm, go to bed at 9pm…) was exhausting. I couldn’t get up the energy to do much besides sit down and watch television.

So because I was too tired to be fully mentally engaged, I watched the entire series of The Office (American version), American Horror Story, Penny Dreadful, and a few other things…not my usual habit at all, since I’ve never really been much of a TV person.

I liked the idea behind American Horror Story, where a series of cast members rotates through the seasons, playing different characters each time, with different storylines and different focuses…almost like a theatre troupe.

I liked seasons two and four best out of what I’ve watched, which only includes what’s available on Netflix right now, but I was also kind of impressed with the occasional showcasing of the cast as musicians. Especially in season 4, where the entire season is a show within a show. And maybe the song isn’t amazing (I’ve never heard the Lana Del Rey version), but it was one more that got stuck in my head enough to warrant adding to my music library.

Wind (Forseti)


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#27 is Wind, by Forseti.

The biggest reason I like this song is because the music captures so perfectly the feel of deep winter…where the holidays are over and it’s not fun and festive anymore, and maybe there’s snow, but it’s old snow and isn’t bright and new anymore…or maybe it’s just the grey skies and dead earth. This song puts me in mind of all of that.

I like also that the whole song is a personification of the wind, with the first two parts describing the wildness and destructive power of wind (yeah, the lyrics and the music are kind of at odds here), and the last being about the gentler winds renewing the earth…

In a way, the lyrics are almost more like a poem than a song…but I guess that’s one of the things about some of the neofolk stuff that I came across…the lyrics are less sing-songy and instead are almost chants set to music…I kinda like it, but I haven’t been sold on enough of those songs for any others besides this one to appear in this year’s countdown.

Zehner Marsch (Wehrmacht Musikkorps)


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#28 is the Zehner Marsch, which I feel only made it into this countdown because it is so short.

I really tried to cut back on listening to the Musikkorps recordings this year, thinking maybe it was in my best interest…I don’t know though.
I feel better when I am listening to them. Calmer…which is kind of the opposite of most of the music I like, which usually serves to agitate in one way or another.

Maybe it’s because I still (erroneously, probably) associate the marches with the carousel from my childhood vacations? I swear, I am still mad about finding out that they changed the music box so that I couldn’t prove one way or the other that I’d heard some of these songs before…

Oh well.
I had trouble finding out much about the history or composition of this song, so that makes it not as much fun as some of the other marches, but like I said: it’s very short. Maybe that’s something to do with why I can’t find out much.